My lessons

An educational program developed by the Institute of Image-Guided Surgery of Strasbourg, University of Strasbourg.


Fundamentals of Computer Science



Computer science has become an integral part of surgical world. Computer vision and machine learning systems are used exensively for image acquisition, robotics and clinical support. In this module we are going to be exploring computer science tools and machine learning techniques that are widely used in surgical data science.

8 lessons

6 speakers

03:25 hours



To help clinical experts understand computer science tools and machine learning methods


Python Basics 1

This lesson aims at introducing students to basic concepts of Python programming which is the common language for scientific research nowaday.

33 min Adit Murali

Python Basics 2

This lesson is a continuation to Python Basics 1. The lesson aims to introduce concepts and tools for image and video processing using OpenCV library. 

41 min Sanat Ramesh

Introduction to Machine Learning

This lesson introduces basic concepts and common algorithms of Machine Learning.

Speaker's Bio

24 min Rupak Bose

Learning from Images with Convolutions

This lesson introduces students to the most common deep learning approach: convolutional neural networks in the context of endoscopy videos.

30 min Tobias Czempiel

Introduction to PyTorch

This lesson aims at introducing students to PyTorch one of the main frameworks for developing deep learning methods.

33 min Vinkle Srivastav

Introduction to Surgical Workflow Analysis

This lesson will help students explore and understand state-of-the-art methods for workflow analysis in surgical videos.

31 min Vinkle Srivastav


In this lesson students will dive into algorithms and approaches for the segmentation tasks in the surgical video domain.

12 min Deepak Alapatt

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